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A Letter from the Founder

My name is Abigail Gregorio and I am the founder of WA Consent. WA Consent began as “Consent On Campus” for a university assignment in October 2021. Since its inception, I have continued advocating, managing, and progressing WA Consent in my spare time. 

In March 2020, I was sexually assaulted by a couple. I was highly intoxicated - they knew this. They also knew that I did not usually drink as it interfered with my medication.

Despite studying a double major in Law & Society and Criminology, I had little access to legal authorities. I was not aware of case law or how it interacted with legislation. The only authority I had was the WA Criminal Code Compilation Act. This told me that what happened was lawful as the legislation did not acknowledge how high levels of intoxication can impact someone’s ability to consent to sexual acts. It was one thing for the perpetrators to blame me, however, the government's lack of protection is what completely destroyed my own self-perception.

It took a very long time to admit that what happened was not my fault. The unbearable truth is that this experience is not unique. Regardless of how systemically accepted this scenario may be, I refuse to let it exist without challenge. 

Please feel free to contact me via email ( if you have any questions. I endeavour to respond as soon as possible. However, I manage the campaign by myself so responses may be delayed as I also study full-time, and work part-time. Thank you for your understanding.

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